新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斗鱼烁哥116场连胜冲王者百星 直播72万粉丝围观

斗鱼烁哥116场连胜冲王者百星 直播72万粉丝围观

Betta Shuo brother 116 game king 100 star rushed fans watching live 720 thousand

2017-06-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

前几日斗鱼直播《王者荣耀》人气主播烁哥立下flag:韩信冲分100连胜!于是乎,本着一副“自己吹下的牛逼哭着也要完成”的心态,之后的一周时间里,每天下午的四点到深夜,都能看到烁哥的韩信无情冲锋…终于,今日收到捷报:烁哥已冲上王者35星,韩信最高连胜116场! 斗鱼烁哥自从在斗鱼首播以来就人气爆满,作为实至名归的人气打野王,每天的直播都能引来几十万水友的观看。为了让更多粉丝见证自己的实力,烁哥在微博和直播间给自己和水友们定下了一个小目标——韩信“挑战100连胜”。 每天周而复始的首选、韩信、打野、胜利…终于在flag立下三天后完成了116连胜,最强王者的“小目标”!要知道,用韩信上...

A few days ago Betta live "king of glory" Shuo kolit popularity anchors flag: Han Chong 100 wins! Then, in a "self blowing Niubi cries also to complete" mentality, after a week time, four pm every day to night, you can see the Han Shuo brother relentless assault... Finally, today received the news: Shuo brother has been washed up on the king of 35 stars, Han highest winning streak of 116 games! Since the premiere in Shuo brother Betta Betta has been popular full, well deserved popularity as wild king, live every day can attract hundreds of thousands of water friends watch. In order to allow more fans to witness the strength of their own, and live in micro-blog Shuo brother to his friends and water made a small target -- Han "challenge 100 game winning streak". The first choice of every day, Han Xin, wild, victory... Finally three days after the flag set up 116 consecutive wins, the strongest King's "small goal"! You know, with the Han on...

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