新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《文明》系列迎来25周年纪念 全系列销量合计超3..

《文明》系列迎来25周年纪念 全系列销量合计超3..

Civilization Series ushered in the 25 anniversary of the whole series of total sales of over 3..

2016-02-22 10:17:25来源: 游久网

[导读]游戏设计师Sid Meier回忆到:“1991年《文明》首次面世的时候,当时就已经有了其他诸如《上帝也疯狂》和《模拟城市》之类的大作,但我们都认为,并没有哪款游戏能像《文明》这样有趣。” .. 【游久网2月21日消息】DICE2016刚刚落下帷幕,恰逢《文明》系列25周年,在此...

[introduction] game designer Sid Meier recalled: "1991" civilization "available for the first time, then it has a others, such as" God must be crazy, "and SimCity and the like, but we are of the view that is not what kind of games like" civilization "such interesting." [swim long network February 21st news] DICE2016 just ended, coincides with the "civilization" series 25 anniversary, in this...