新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《画个火柴人2》安卓平台全面上线 开启趣味冒险..

《画个火柴人2》安卓平台全面上线 开启趣味冒险..

Draw a match 2, an Android platform for the full launch of the online adventure..

2015-10-21 21:21:32来源: 4399

最新的创意涂鸦冒险类游戏大作《画个火柴人2》将在10月22日全面登陆安卓各大平台,小伙伴们还在等什么,快拿起画笔开启趣味冒险之旅吧! 四年前,《画个火柴人》这款屡屡获奖的精品冒险游戏让众多玩家爱不释手,为了在游戏中寻找还没找到的隐藏路线和收集品而难以自拔。四年后的现在,游戏的续作——《...

the latest creative graffiti adventure game masterpiece, "draw a match Man 2" will be fully landed in October 22nd each big platform, small partners are still waiting for something, quickly pick up the brush to open a fun adventure! Four years ago, the painting a matchstick men, this award-winning boutique adventure games for many internationally fondle admiringly, to finding haven't found the hidden line and collection and to extricate themselves in the game. Now four years later, the game's sequel -- "...

标签: 安卓