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少年西游职业选择攻略详解 三大职业详解

Juvenile journey career choice detailed Raiders three professional detailed

2015-06-29 15:41:15来源: 4399

少年西游以西游题材为背景,让我们带领神将披荆斩棘再次回到西游解救苍生,游戏首测正在火爆开启中,游戏角色分为三大职业,每个职业都有男女性别可选,那么哪个职业好呢?来看小编为大家带来的职业选择指南。 推荐星级:★★★★ 天策简单的说就是“战士”,攻守兼备,是守护团队的大宗师。不管是升级还...

young West to West theme as background, let us God would bring a blazing once again return to the west to save people, the game's first test is the popular open, game characters divided into three career, each job has optional sex, then career which good? Look at the small series of professional choice guide. Recommendation: Star assumes Tiance is simply "warrior", both offensive and defensive team, is the guardian of the grand master. Regardless of the upgrade...