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Dream love three harem strongest team

2015-04-30 18:22:17来源: 4399

在后宫中有许多妹子,不过到底要怎么才能组成梦梦爱三国最强后宫阵容呢?赶紧跟着小编一起来看看吧! 阵容详解:主公+蔡文姬+黄月英+貂蝉+玉儿 布阵位置 左上:主公 | 右上:蔡文姬 | 左:黄月英 | 中:貂蝉 | 右:玉儿 我是用的这个阵容、感觉不是最强也差不多很给力了。替补是蜀...

has many sister recommended in the harem, but in the end how to makes the dream love three strongest lineup harem? Hurriedly follow small make up and have a look! A: Master lineup + Cai Wenji + Huang Yueying + Diao Chan + jade: Master | array position left right on the left: Huang Yueying Cai Wenji: | |: Diao Chan | right: I used the jade, the feeling is not the strongest lineup is almost very awesome. The backup is Shu...