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《银河战士 生存恐惧》官方游戏序章演示视频公布

Galaxy warrior survival fear official game prologue demo video released

2021-10-07 08:53:28来源: 游戏时光

任天堂旗下经典平台动作系列“密特罗德”最新作品《银河战士 生存恐惧》即将于明日(10 月 8 日)正式发售,美国任天堂官推发布了一则由油管频道 Nintendo Minute 带来的游戏开场 20 分钟游玩视频(演示跳过了剧情,可放心食用)。 视频地址

The latest work of Nintendo's classic platform action series "mitterod", the fear of survival of Galaxy soldiers, will be officially released tomorrow (October 8). Nintendo officials in the United States pushed and released a 20 minute game video brought by the oil pipe channel Nintendo minute (the demonstration skipped the plot and can be eaten at ease).

标签: 游戏 视频