新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坠井男童胸椎骨折 医院每小时监测病情变化

坠井男童胸椎骨折 医院每小时监测病情变化

Fall well boy thoracic hospital fracture per hour for monitoring the condition changes

2015-05-23 22:05:34来源: 华商网

坠井的2岁男童乐乐伤情令人牵挂,华商报记者从西安市儿童医院了解到,经过CT检查,除了小腿靠近脚踝部位外,患儿胳膊、胸椎、腰部和脚掌等多部位骨折,尤其是胸椎骨折比较棘手,容易压迫神经。 据该院骨科...

fall well 2 years old boy Lele injury is concerned, Chinese commercial news reporter learned from the Xi'an Municipal Children's Hospital, after a CT examination, in addition to the outside of the leg near the ankle, fracture in children with arm, thoracic vertebra, waist and feet and other parts, especially thoracic fractures are relatively difficult, easy compression of the nerve. According to the Department of orthopedics...