新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雅姿助力2015釜山国际电影节 中韩巨星红毯齐养眼

雅姿助力2015釜山国际电影节 中韩巨星红毯齐养眼

Qi seductive

2015-10-02 20:59:23来源: YOKA时尚网

当地时间10月1日晚18:00,2015釜山国际电影节(Busan International Film Festival)开幕式红毯在风雨初歇的釜山海云台拉开序幕。冯小刚导演携《坏蛋必须死》剧组、...

local time artistry power 2015 Pusan International Film Festival in China and South Korea star red carpet on October 1 evening 18:002015 Pusan International Film Festival (Busan International Film Festival opened the red carpet at the beginning of the wind and rain to break the Haeundae Pusan kicked off. Feng Xiaogang director with "bad guys must die" crew,...

标签: 电影