新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软第二财季业绩超预期 盘后股价上涨超3%

微软第二财季业绩超预期 盘后股价上涨超3%

Microsoft-than-expected second-quarter results after-hours stock price rose over 3%

2016-01-29 08:22:37来源: 网易

网易科技讯 1月29日消息,据路透社报道,微软周四发布了截至2015年12月31日的2016财年第二财季财报。受益于积极削减成本及云计算产品和服务的需求不断增长,该公司公布的第二财季营收和利润均超出...

SAN FRANCISCO January 29, according to Reuters, Microsoft on Thursday released the 2016 fiscal year ending December 31, 2015 second quarter earnings. Cut costs and benefit from the positive demand cloud computing products and services continues to grow, the company reported second-quarter revenue and profit exceeded ...

标签: 微软