新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭碧婷被曝出柜 揭娱乐圈疑似“同性恋”的明星

郭碧婷被曝出柜 揭娱乐圈疑似“同性恋”的明星

Bea Hayden traced out exposing entertainment suspected "gay" star

2015-04-22 16:19:12来源: 中国网

郭碧婷出柜女友正面照曝光 近日,关于郭碧婷被曝出柜的消息在社交媒体上传得沸沸扬扬。4月21日,郭碧婷被曝出柜最新消息,郭碧婷所在的星力天际(上海)文化经济有限公司发表声明称,对于网络上出现的对郭碧婷的不实传言,将保留法律追诉权。随后,李易峰和王珞丹先后转发和点赞了关于郭碧婷是les的...

girlfriend Bea Hayden out front exposure recently, Bea Hayden traced out on the news to raise a Babel of criticism of the social media upload. In April 21st, Bea Hayden traced out the latest news, Bea Hayden's star sky (Shanghai) culture economic Co., said in a statement, the network appeared on Bea Hayden's false rumors, will retain the right to pursue legal. Subsequently, Li Yifeng and Wang Luodan has forwarded and points like about Bea Hayden is les...