新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女子世锦赛韩国90后李静旼逆转夺冠 刘钰并列第6

女子世锦赛韩国90后李静旼逆转夺冠 刘钰并列第6

South Korea after 90 Li Jingmin won the women's World Championship Liu Yu tied for Sixth

2016-03-13 17:40:05来源: 新浪

刘钰获得并列第六位 北京时间3月13日,2016世界女子高尔夫锦标赛在东莞观澜湖奥拉沙宝球场完美收杆,来自韩国的90后实力小将李静旼(Lee Jung-Min)决赛轮在浓雾弥漫的天气下交出了66...

Liuyu tied for Sixth Beijing time on March 13, 2016 women's World Golf Championships in Dongguan Guanlan Lake ora Bora sand court perfect pars, from South Korea's 90 strength teenager Lee Jung min (Lee Jung min) the final round in the foggy weather surrendered 66.