新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《冒险岛2》二测详细情报公布 将测试至9月初

《冒险岛2》二测详细情报公布 将测试至9月初

Adventure island 2 announced two detailed information Will be tested to the beginning of September

2016-07-27 18:02:58来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月27日消息,《冒险岛2》将于7月28日正式开启二测,测试时间开放至9月初。此次测试等级上限升至50级,地图扩展、副本丰富、中国风时装亮相、全新休闲小游戏登场等。下面来看看有关二测的详细情报。 测试说明 测试开放日期:7月28日14:00 至 9月初 开放等级:...

Sina game - July 27, news, 2 ", "adventure island will officially open on July 28, 2 measure, test time until early September. The test level cap level 50, map extension, copy, Chinese fashion appearance, rich new recreational little game appearance, etc. Below to see detailed information about 2 measure. Test shows that opening date: July 28 14:00 to early September open level:...

标签: 冒险岛