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支付宝推出十年账单 “败家”数据伤不起

Alipay launched ten years bill "Prodigal" data vulnerable

2014-12-09 07:58:33来源: 新浪

晨报记者 苗夏丽 “34.4万!自认不败家的我,不相信这是我的七年支付宝账单,话说俺到底买了啥?”网友小花昨天在微信朋友圈晒出一张支付宝账单,倍感震惊,惊呼“这简直无法直视”,引发朋友圈大量评论。 昨天支付宝推出十年账单,每个支付宝用户都能登录支付宝查看自己过去十年的资金支出和收...

morning news reporter Miao Xiali "344000! Admission is not prodigal I, do not believe that this is my seven year pay treasure bill, saying I really bought what?" Netizen florets yesterday in Micro message friends circle the sun drying out a pay treasure bills, shocked, exclaimed, "this can't open", caused a large number of comments to my circle of friends. Yesterday, pay treasure to launch ten years bill pay treasure, each user can login pay treasure to check their capital expenditures over the past ten years and received...