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舅舅党爆料 带你领略万物有灵背后的故事

Uncle party broke the news with you appreciate everything has spirit behind the story

2015-07-03 14:59:11来源: 多玩游戏

6月30日万物有灵版本上线以来,无论是各大论坛还是贴吧都充斥着玩家的不满! 这次我们有幸得到了某位舅舅党的爆料,让他一起带我们领略略关于万物有灵背后不为人知的故事! 林动Q(以后称为林动):BU...

6 month 30 days all spirit version since the line, whether it is the BBS or stick are full of dissatisfaction with the audience. The lucky enough to get a uncle party broke the news, let him together with lead us briefly about the myriad things have the spirit behind the unknown story! Lin Q (hereafter referred to as Lin):BU...