新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《自然》杂志展望2017年科技前景


In the journal nature outlook outlook of science and technology in 2017

2016-12-31 23:44:48来源: 人民网

罗斯海将设立全球最大海洋保护区。图片来自网络 ■今日视点 时光的车轮在2016年科学史上留下了深深印记。随着新年的到来,科学家们开始展望更加绚丽的未来图景。他们希望:关于CRISPR-Cas9的专利之争能盖棺定论、量子计算领域涌现出一位真正的王者、寻找地球兄弟“行星九”的努力有所...

Ross will be set up, the world's largest Marine reserve. Pictures from the network s viewpoint today the wheel of time left a deep imprint in the history of science in 2016. With the coming of the New Year, the scientists is looking forward to the future more beautiful picture. They hope: patent dispute about CRISPR - Cas9 can emerge a final verdict, quantum computing a true king, "nine planets" hard looking for earth's brother has...