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华为畅享新机曝光 证件照亮相工信部

Huawei swimming in xinji exposure certificates illuminates the miit

2017-04-06 22:47:32来源: 手机之家

日前,工信部入网登记机型库出现一款来自华为的新机,型号为TRT-AL00A。和新机一并出现的是多角度的真机实拍及配置参数信息,我们一起来看一看。 该机在机身材质工艺上采用了金属+塑料的三段式结构,...

Recently, the ministry net registration model library appeared a new from huawei, models for TRT - AL00A. And new occur is the configuration parameters and the angles of true machine make information, let's take a look at. Used on the machine in the fuselage material process of the metal + plastic frames,...