新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《堡垒之夜》V6.22更新公告:新模式惊恐团战


"Fortress nights" V6.22 update announcement: the new mode in melee

2018-11-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

更新时间:2018年11月7日 06:00 温馨提示:本次更新为停服更新,届时玩家将无法登录游戏,已在游戏中的玩家将无法匹配,预计维护时间4小时。请提前调整好你的时间安排。具体更新时长将视实际情况而定,可能存在提前或推迟的可能,请留意我们的公告。 更新奖励:11月8日24:00前完成更新并登录游戏,即可领取【5颗战星】奖励。(每10颗战星可提升1个战阶,用于解锁英雄勋章奖励) 新武器:重型突击步枪 使用全新的重型突击步枪带领你的队伍走向胜利,拥有稀有,史诗和传奇品质,可在地面战利品,宝箱,自动售卖机和空投补给中找到。 新模式:惊恐团战 两支32人的队伍拼尽全力战斗,直至击败...

Update time: November 7, 2018, surf warm prompt: this update to stop taking updates, players will not be able to log in the game, has been in the game players will not be able to match, are expected to maintain time 4 hours. Please adjust your schedule in advance. Specific update time will depend on the actual situation, there may be in advance or delay, please pay attention to our notice. Update reward: 8 November completed before 24:00 update and log in the game, can receive 5 war star 】 【 awards. (every 10 war star can promote a war order, used to unlock the hero medal reward) new weapons: heavy assault rifle Using a new heavy assault rifles to lead your team to victory, with rare, epic and legendary quality, can be in the ground booty, treasure box, found in vending machines and supplies drop. The new model: in melee Two 32 people team desperate to fight, until the defeat...