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神仙眷侣令人艳羡 盘点那些LOL圈的电竞情侣

The fairy handsome couple enviable E-sports couples inventory of those LOL

2016-02-22 16:54:53来源: 新浪

情人节刚过,相信不少人在那天表白了、领证了,真是羡慕死小编这种单身汪。情人节只能跟基友网吧5连坐!当然LOL电竞圈也有羡煞旁人的情侣组合,无论是曾经的,还是现在的,毕竟他们爱过!下面小编就给大家盘点下LOL电竞圈里的那些情侣: 神超、虞颖嫣 现实中腼腆的神超并没有像在游戏中那么锋...

Valentine's day just passed, believe that many people do on that day, get married, really envy dead small make up the single wang. Internet cafes with gay friends only five collective valentine's day! E-sports circle there are, of course, LOL, envy is others couples, whether once, and now, after all, they loved. Below small make up tally up to everyone e-sports circles of those couples: LOL, god, shy YuYingYan reality god ultra is not as front like in the game...

标签: 电竞 LOL