新关注 > 信息聚合 > “奇迹”正牌手游 页游现身CJ塔人网络展台

“奇迹”正牌手游 页游现身CJ塔人网络展台

"Miracle" genuine tour page swim appeared CJ tower network booth

2015-08-03 10:09:31来源: 17173

塔人网络虽然是第一次参加chinajoy展会,但是却为广大中国玩家,尤其是热爱奇迹的粉丝们带来了众多惊喜。延续奇迹的两款游戏《奇迹霸业》和《奇迹重生》在今年的chinajoy上首次与广大玩家见面,为今年的CJ展会增添了一份惊喜。 塔人网络展台 塔人网络展台 《奇迹霸业》作为塔人网...

tower network although in ChinaJoy Exhibition for the first time, but for the majority of Chinese players, especially fans love miracle brought many surprises. Extend the miracle of the two games the "miracle of the hegemony," and "miracle rebirth" on this ChinaJoy first with the majority of the players meet CJ exhibition this year add a pleasant surprise. The tower tower network network booth booth "miracle" as the tower of people...

标签: 手游