新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家自制英雄联盟皮肤,守望先锋源氏Mercy乱入


Players homemade skin hero alliance, watch pioneer genji Mercy corps into

2016-08-23 18:33:42来源: 178游戏网

玩家经常将《守望先锋》和《英雄联盟》的英雄做比较,那如果他们结合到一起呢?近日,就有玩家自制了两款《守望先锋》主题的LOL自定义皮肤,影流之主劫化身源氏,审判天使凯尔化身天使Mercy。 源氏和劫虽然二者属于不同的游戏,无法同场竞技,但确实有很多相似的地方,让大家脑洞大开。当然萝卜青菜...

Players often will watch "vanguard" and "the hero" hero, that if they are together? Recently, there are players homemade "watchman pioneer" theme in the two LOL custom skin, shadow flow of the main embodiment of genji, judge angels kyle incarnate angel of Mercy corps. Genji and survive even though they belong to different games, unable to compete, but it does have a lot of similarities, let everybody imagination. Of course turnip greens...