新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》即将迎来一位新支援型新英雄


"The vanguard of watch" is about to usher in a new support type new hero

2018-03-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

暴雪竞技对抗游戏《守望先锋》即将迎来又一位新英雄--布丽吉塔·林德霍姆,布丽吉塔是《守望先锋》中第七位支援英雄,在游戏中的定位是通过提供治疗和盔甲保卫队友。 她可以通过鼓舞士气同时治疗多名队友,并挥舞火箭连枷向敌方的防线施加压力。她的流星飞锤技能可以打乱敌方阵形,或是击退侧翼偷袭的刺客,保卫脆弱的队友。 英雄故事: 布丽吉塔·林德霍姆曾经是一位工程师,在打造盔甲方面有着无人能及的天赋。现在她追随前辈的脚步踏上了战场,在前线英勇地保护队友。 布丽吉塔是托比昂最小的女儿,追随着她的教父莱因哈特·威尔海姆四处冒险,为那些饱受欺凌的弱者伸张正义。一直以来,她都在为莱因哈特修理装甲,但随着时...

The blizzard competition game watch pioneer is going to usher in another new hero -- Brigita Lindholm, Brigita is the seventh supporting hero in the watch guard pioneer, and his position in the game is to defend his teammates by providing treatment and armor. She can inspire the treatment at the same time more than his teammates, and waved the rocket flail to put pressure on the enemy defences. Her meteors fly hammer skills can disrupt enemy formations, or repel the attack on the flank assassin, defend the weak team. Heroic story: Brigita Lindholm was an engineer who had an innate talent for making armor. Now she is stepping on the battlefield with her predecessors and protecting his teammates bravely on the front line. Brigita, the youngest daughter of Tobey Aang, followed her godfather, Reinhardt Wilhelm, to take a risk, and to give justice to those who were bullied. She has been fixing armour for Reinhardt all the time, but with the time...

标签: 守望先锋