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EP龙珠火线俱乐部捷报频传 冠亚荣耀独占鳌头

EP dragon ball wire club good news Crown of glory

2015-12-21 17:05:59来源: 电玩巴士

2015年对于EP龙珠火线俱乐部来说是平淡的一年,虽然人才济济,枪神、枪王集聚一堂,但却没有获得像往年一样的功勋卓著。然而在2015最后一场世界级电竞大赛中,EP龙珠火线厚积薄发,不仅在WCA中国区总决赛中包揽冠亚军,同时在WCA世界总决赛中也完美收官。 相较于D组的同门战队的“死亡...

2015 for EP dragon is flat wire club for a year, although the talent, gun, gun king came together god, but not for its outstanding as usual. However in the 2015 final e-sports contest, world-class EP dragon ball wire whole, not only in WCA China won championship in the finals, at the same time also well packaged in WCA world finals. Compared with group D match gate clan "death...