新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪宣布《虚空之遗》台服今日将开放预购


Blizzard announced the the void left, "Taifu will today open pre

2015-08-28 17:31:21来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 暴雪官方今日正式宣布,台服《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》标准版、典藏版于今日(28日)起开放预购,完成预购者将可立即获得 Beta 封测认证序号,并抢先体验游戏序章“灭绝之呢喃”。 《虚空之遗》为《星际争霸2》三部曲最终章,故事将接续《虫族之心》的结尾,玩家将在《虚空之遗》中扮...

Sina game news Blizzard official today officially announced, zhTW" StarCraft 2: void left, "standard edition, collector's edition from today (28) for preorder, completed the pre order will immediately beta beta certification number, and forestalls to experience the game prologue," extinction whisper. " The void left, "" StarCraft 2 trilogy, the final chapter, the story will continue to the heart of the swarm "at the end of that players will be in the legacy of the void" dress up as...

标签: 暴雪