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电竞选手收入排行 LOL最高Faker仅68位

The eSports player income ranking lol highest faker only 68

2015-08-22 10:01:36来源: 锐派游戏

近日,国外著名的体育媒体ESPN公布了全球电子竞技职业选手的收入排行,让我们先来看看榜单都有谁。 从榜单中可以看到,排名最高的LOL职业选手是世界公认第一的Faker,不过连Faker这样世界知名选手也仅仅排在第68位。 而排名靠前的位置几乎都被清一色的Dota2选手刷屏了。这是为什...

recently, the famous sports media ESPN announced the income ranking of global electronic competitive professional players, let us first take a look at the list of who has. You can see from the list, the highest ranking LOL professional players is the world recognized the first Faker, but even the world's leading Faker is only ranked in sixty-eighth place. The top of the table are almost uniform Dota2 player scraper. What is this...

标签: 电竞 LOL