新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江日报:杭州电竞豪门LGD战队瞄准冠军


Zhejiang Daily: Hangzhou gaming giants clan LGD targeting champion

2015-07-22 21:00:36来源: 超级玩家

去年NewBee战队在西雅图勇夺TI4冠军席卷500万美元奖金引起国内各大媒体竞相报道,而今年TI5来临之际,各大战队的出征就引起了媒体的关注,浙江日报撰文《杭州电竞豪门LGD战队瞄准冠军》,并明确了LGD的目标——TI5总冠军。 经过去年TI4国际邀请赛的洗礼,越来越多的人了解DO...

NewBee team last year in Seattle won the champion of the Ti4 swept a prize of $500 million caused by domestic media reports eagerly, and ti5 approaching this year, the major clan battle caused the attention of the media, the Zhejiang Daily wrote "Hangzhou gaming giants clan LGD aim at the championship", and clearly the LGD, ti5 championship. After last year's TI4 international invitation, more and more people know about DO...

标签: 电竞