新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十字召唤师新手常见问答攻略详解


Cross summons the novice division common question and answer at the beginning of the introduction of detailed

2015-07-06 12:44:10来源: 4399

初入游戏是不是对整个召唤师世界充满了陌生和迷惘?别担心,小编为大家准备了游戏中一些常见的新手问答。一起来看看十字召唤师的新手问答吧! -英雄篇 1、 如何获取伙伴? 答:伙伴都能通过稀有召唤、普通召唤、徽章召唤、碎片召唤获得 2、 如何提升伙伴实力? 答:伙伴实力可以通过伙伴觉...

game is not on the summoner world full of strange and bewildered? Don't worry, Xiaobian for everyone prepared question and answer some common novice in the game. See cross call division of the new questions and answers! - Hero Article 1, how to obtain the partner? Answer: partners are rare call, summon, badge through the call, debris calling for 2, how to enhance the strength of the partners? Answer: partner power can through partner feel...