新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大尺度!中国矿业大学学生裹浴巾拍摄毕业照


Large scale! Bath towel wrapped in China University of mining and technology students shooting graduation according to

2015-06-25 11:04:33来源: 东北网

裹浴巾拍毕业照,一条白布遮私处超大尺度!这拍毕业照,也流行“露肉”了吗?近日,中国矿业大学校园内学生裹浴巾拍摄毕业照的照片在朋友圈流传,演绎着特立独行与青春无敌。没有好身材都不敢出来拍毕业照了,特别是男生,要露出腹肌...... 中国矿业大学学生毕业照 真是太疯狂了!这是要闹哪样?...

wrapped bath towel graduation photo shoot, a piece of white cloth covered the face of the private parts of a large scale. This take graduation photo, also popular "exposed meat"? Recently, students in the campus of China University of mining and technology wrapped towels shooting graduation photo spread in the circle of friends, the interpretation of the Maverick and invincible youth. No good figure is afraid out graduation photo shoot the, especially boys, to expose the abdominal... China University of mining and technology students graduation photo is really too crazy! This is to lead to trouble? ...