新关注 > 信息聚合 > 晶电携手大厂布局Mini LED市场反扑OLED

晶电携手大厂布局Mini LED市场反扑OLED

Crystal electricity giant layout Mini LED emerging market OLED hand in hand

2017-09-29 11:53:39来源: 中国数字视听网

晶电副总经理谢明勋昨日表示,台湾地区面板产业没有发展OLED,大陆地区发展OLED缓不济急,为了不坐以待毙,已研发出以Mini LED作背光,可以达到与OLED一样的厚度,且演色性比OLED好,目前晶电已与至少四家大厂合作,明年将开始出货。目前小间距市场显示屏市场的需求旺,一个月的市场...

Crystal electric min-hsun hsieh, a deputy general manager, said yesterday that the no development OLED panel industry in Taiwan, mainland area development of OLED is often, in order not to lay down and die, has developed to the Mini LED backlight, can achieve the same thickness as OLED, and play better than OLED color, crystal at present electric has been cooperating with at least four companies, next year will start shipment. Small spacing markets now displays the demand of the market, a month's market...