新关注 > 信息聚合 > 清明节前夕 缅怀人体器官捐献者

清明节前夕 缅怀人体器官捐献者

On the eve of Qingming Festival, we cherish the memory of human organ donors.

2017-04-03 15:32:47来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:清明节即将到来之际,由瑞安市红十字会主办的2017年人体器官捐献者缅怀纪念仪式在瑞安举行,捐献者家属代表、登记捐献志愿者及爱心人士近百人参加了活动。 新蓝网-中国蓝新闻客户端4月3日讯...

Core Tips: As the Tomb-sweeping Day is approaching, the memorial ceremony for human organ donors in 2017, hosted by the Red Cross Society of Ruian City, was held in Ruian. Nearly 100 representatives of donors'families, registered volunteers and loved ones participated in the event. New blue net - China blue news client April 3rd...