新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大爱无疆 DOTA圈众明星为塘沽祈福

大爱无疆 DOTA圈众明星为塘沽祈福

Love DOTA circle stars pray for Tanggu

2015-08-13 18:40:00来源: 游久网

DOTA圈众明星为塘沽祈福。.. 昨日晚,天津塘沽一处开发区的物流化学品仓库发生大爆炸。爆炸威力巨大。天津塘沽牵动了千万人的心。 今天,DOTA圈的众人也在微博上为天津祈福,为塘沽加油!

DOTA circle of stars for the blessing of Tanggu. Yesterday evening, Tanggu, Tianjin, a development zone in the logistics chemical warehouse explosion. Explosive power. Tanggu Tianjin has touched the hearts of millions of people. Today, DOTA circle of people also on the micro Bo for the Tianjin blessing, for the Tanggu refueling!

标签: DOTA