新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冒险手游《迷失之地》冰点1元促销中


Adventure Tour "lost," freezing point 1 yuan of sales promotion

2015-09-24 20:35:02来源: 和讯网

第1页冒险手游《迷失之地》冰点1元促销中 《迷失之地》(Badland) 是游戏开发商 Frogmind 推出的一款动作冒险游戏。并荣获 2013 年度最佳游戏和苹果设计奖等多个奖项。现在,这款优秀的冒险手游又迎来史上冰点价格! 游戏操作非常简单,屏幕中的小动物会自动向下坠落,玩...

page 1 Adventure Tour "lost," freezing point 1 yuan promotion the lost "Badland is adventure the of a action game developers Frogmind launch the game. And won the 2013 annual best game and Apple Design Award and other awards. Now, this excellent adventure travel and usher in the history of the freezing point price! Game operation is very simple, the screen of the small animals will automatically fall down, playing...

标签: 手游