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Model fans don't addiction "model of the world" added more model

2014-12-29 21:43:41来源: 4399

《模型世界》(MONZO)是由捷克游戏开发商Madfinger推出,该游戏开发商曾经研发过著名的《死亡扳机》。《模型世界》是一款自由的模型游戏,玩家可以随时随地打造属于自己的炫酷摩托、跑车。近期该作也是迎来了版本更新,一起来看下吧! ▍新增了5个全新模型 此次的更新针对游戏画面进行了...

"model of the world" (MONZO) was launched by the Czech game developer Madfinger, the game developers have developed the famous "trigger" death. "Model of the world" is a free model of game, game player can whenever and wherever possible to create their own cool motorcycle, car. The recent also ushered in the updated version, see together! Man added 5 new models this update to the game picture of...