新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杀红名爆器灵 《恋战》全新PK大揭秘

杀红名爆器灵 《恋战》全新PK大揭秘

Kill red spirit "warlike" new PK big secret

2015-06-24 11:30:48来源: 17173

6月26日《恋战》即将开启两组新服,作为一款主PK魔法幻想类2D新游,为了让玩家在PK中激情不断,除了设定丰富的PK玩法外,此次对PK系统的重大调整也是对激情的更好诠释,下面让我们来先睹为快吧。 【杀红名爆器灵,越激情越易爆】 只要玩家不是处于白名模式且PK值为零的情况,其他状态下...

6 month of 26 day "prolongs contact explosion" is about to open two new services, as a main PK magic fantasy 2D travelogue, in order to allow players in the PK passions, apart from setting the PK rich gameplay, the PK system in a major adjustment is the passion of a better interpretation, let us to preview. [kill red burst is the spirit, the passion is explosive] as long as the player is not in white mode and pK values to zero, other state under...