新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOLLGD战队新任教练Heart LGD将会是明年最强的队..

LOLLGD战队新任教练Heart LGD将会是明年最强的队..

LOLLGD team's new coach, LGD Heart, will be the strongest team next year.

2015-12-09 16:58:38来源: TechWeb

在前UP战队选手Heart宣布退役后,宣布即将转为教练的他果然出现在了LGD下赛季的成员名单中,外媒记者也在此时采访到了刚刚上任的教练Heart,他表示LGD将成为LPL新赛季最强战队。 你能够在许多同龄的《英雄联盟》选手已经退役的情况下仍然保持进步,是什么动力能够让你一直为这个游戏而...

Up team player heart before announcing his retirement, announced that will turn as a coach, he really appeared in the season members of the list LGD, foreign media reporters also at this time to interview the newly appointed coach of heart, he said LGD will become the LPL season strongest team. You can be in many of the same age, "Heroes union" players have retired to maintain progress, is what power can make you always for the game...

标签: LOL