新关注 > 信息聚合 > 畅梦游戏《梦幻恋舞》强势助阵“洛天依”全国首唱


Chang dream game "dream love dance" strong help out, "Los days in accordance with" the country's first singing

2017-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在刚刚过去的周六,加盟畅梦游戏《梦幻恋舞》3D音舞换装手游的天矢禾念旗下Vsinger、国内人气最高的虚拟歌手洛天依与她的小伙伴们在上海梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心举行了一场“洛天依2017全息演唱会”。作为首场在国内的演唱会,受到了许多热衷于二次元年轻人的支持。 【元气歌姬天籁开唱 音舞手游强势助阵】 此次“洛天依”国内首唱邀请了中国内地流行音乐唱作人许嵩、日本人气声优内田彩将作为特邀嘉宾,与洛天依同台演唱。日本舞见(dancer)银发娘与217也来到现场,献上代表作《极乐净土》等高人气舞蹈作品,两位舞者携手Vsinger全员为各位歌迷带来跨次元的精彩表演。 现场更是引进海外超强舞美制...

This past Saturday, joining Chang dream game "dream love dance" 3D music and dance dress day wo read Mobile Games vector's Vsinger, the most popular virtual singer Luo Tianyi and her buddies in Shanghai Mercedes Benz cultural center held a "Luo Tianyi 2017 holographic concert". As the first concert in China, he has been supported by many young people who are keen on the two dimension. Sounds of music and dance concert Diva [vitality Mobile Games] the strong to help out according to the Los day domestic song invited Chinese mainland pop music singer songwriter Xu Song, a popular Japanese seiyuu in Tian Cai will be invited as special guests, and Luo Tianyi singing. Japanese dance to see (dancer) silver haired Niang and 217 also came to the scene, presented the representative masterpiece "Paradise pure land" and other popular dance works, two dancers join hands Vsinger, all fans bring you cross dimensional wonderful performances. The scene is the introduction of overseas super American dance...

标签: 游戏