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热血传奇PK战斗体验优化 九月版本大揭秘(四)

Battle experience of the legendary PK battle experience big secret (four)

2015-09-07 19:01:22来源: 4399

自8月20日《热血传奇手机版》开启不限号以来,人气火爆,PK激情高涨。在接踵而来的9月新版本中,我们官方为了创造更好的PK环境,带来更优的战斗体验,广纳近百万用户对于三职业技能调整的心声并作出如下调整: 战士: 1、对战士攻击与技能范围进行了优化,如下: (1)普通攻击范围进行...

since August 20th, blood legend mobile phone version of the opening is not limited number, popular hot, PK passion. In the ensuing September new version, US officials in order to create a better environment for the PK, bring better combat experience, recruit nearly one million users for the voice of the three vocational skills adjustment and make the following adjustments Warrior: 1, the fighter attack with a range of skills were optimized as follows: (1) ordinary attack range.

标签: 热血传奇