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仙剑6 1.03优化 最强Benchmark王位不保

Legend 6 1.03 optimization throne of the strongest benchmark does not guarantee the optimization of

2015-07-25 06:27:17来源: 和讯网

《仙剑奇侠传6》PC版的优化让很多玩家揪心,在游戏发售后,《仙剑奇侠传6》官方面对玩家提出的各种问题积极回应反馈,补丁也在紧急制作中,今日,《仙剑奇侠传6》的1.0.3补丁正式发布,一起来看看都更新了哪些玩家迫切等待修复的问题吧。 《仙剑奇侠传6》战斗狂掉帧问题终于被修复—最强Benc...

"Paladin 6" PC version of let a lot of players worried, after the game was released in, the paladin biography 6, "the official face players put forward various problems and actively respond to feedback, the patch also in emergency production today, the paladin biography 6" patch 1.0.3 officially released, see updates which players desperately waiting for repair. "Legend of Sword and Fairy 6" fighting mad drop frame problem was finally repair the strongest Benc...