新关注 > 信息聚合 > 通耀获日本东映授权推出ARPG手游《机器人少女Z》


Tong Yao Japanese Toei attain the authorization to launch a 6 month ARPG Tour "robot girl" Z

2015-06-24 22:42:26来源: 和讯网

DoNews游戏6月24日消息(记者 张京)游戏公司通耀宣布与日本东映动画株式会社(以下简称:东映动画)展开合作,共同推出了首款ARPG类动漫手游《机器人少女Z》。《机器人少女Z》的IP授权是在2014年3月就已经拿到了。 通耀董事兼总经理秦志勇在发布会上表示,目前很多游戏仅仅是使用...

DoNews game 24 (reporter Zhang Jingli) game company Tong Yao announced to cooperate with the Japanese Toei Animation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Toei animation), jointly launched the first ARPG animation Tour "robot girl Z". "Robot girl Z" IP authorization is in March 2014 has been to get the. General manager Qin Zhiyong, said at the press conference, at present a lot of games are just using...

标签: 手游