新关注 > 信息聚合 > GungHo获潜行手游《共和国》发行权 新章节年内上架

GungHo获潜行手游《共和国》发行权 新章节年内上架

Gungho won the stealth hand tour of the "Republic of China" issued in new chapters in shelves

2015-06-23 10:51:45来源: 265G

据国外媒体报道,日本畅销手游《智龙迷城》开发商GungHo近日与美国洛杉矶移动游戏工作室Camouflaj达成合作,获得后者旗下手游《共和国》(Republique)的发行权。 《共和国》是一款剧情元素丰富的潜行动作游戏,以章节体形式发布,目前前三章已登陆苹果App Store和Goo...

according to foreign media reports, Japan's best-selling travel "dragon Fan Zhi City" developer gungho recently and Los Angeles mobile game studios Camouflaj reached cooperation, distribution rights to the latter's tour of the Republic (Republique). The Republic is a rich plot elements of stealth action game, released in the form of sections of the body, the first three chapters has landed Apple App store and goo...

标签: 手游