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The giant mobile "Wuji" the world's first CG Mobile Games released Trailer

2015-05-13 18:31:47来源: 不凡游戏网

近日,2015年极致大作《武极天下》手游官方公布了CG片花,其中包括剧情故事、游戏视频、特色玩法等首次全面曝光,引发了众多玩家的关注。 整个CG片花以苍茫的雪原为背景,从《武极天下》原著小说中的神秘至宝“魔方”开始,引出“得魔方者,武道极致”的主题,并循着原著小说的剧情线索,留下了关于...

recently, 2015 as "the ultimate Wuji" world Mobile Games officially announced CG trailers, including story, video game, gameplay features first full exposure, sparked public more attention at home. The CG film on the background of the boundless snowfield, from the "Wu" in the original novel world is a very mysterious treasure "," Cube "leads to Rubik's cube, the ultimate martial arts" theme, and follow the original novel storyline, on the left...

标签: 手游