新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江湖之争 邀你共享!《斗破封神》本月20日ios公测

江湖之争 邀你共享!《斗破封神》本月20日ios公测

Arena battle invites you to share! "Whom gods" 20 days this month, IOS

2015-05-13 18:31:47来源: 4399

本月20日,《斗破封神》将在IOS平台开启盛大公测,《斗破封神》融合了时下最热门的手游即时战斗模式,Q萌人物,美轮美奂的场景360度无死角建模再现,传承经典ARPG元素,情怀浓厚的武侠穿越题材,江湖之争,邀你共享! 【情怀武侠剧情引爆战斗快感】 不同于其他ARPG手游求新求变的设定背...

beta 20 this month, "you" will be a grand opening in the beta IOS platform, "a" fusion of the gods of the hottest Mobile Games instant battle mode, Q adorable characters, scenes magnificent; ornate; fascinating 360 hassle modeling reproduction, inheritance classic ARPG elements, feelings strong martial arts through the theme, the arena battle, invites you to share! [] feelings of martial arts drama detonated the thrill of fighting is different from other ARPG Mobile Games chengtuo set back...

标签: iOS