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关云长手游四大英雄解析 知己知彼

Guan Yunchang Mobile Games four hero

2015-05-12 12:00:46来源: 4399

游戏15日重磅来袭,四大主角英雄抢先曝光。快来跟随小编了解一下关云长手游的四大英雄吧! ▍关云长 本字长生,后改字云长,故又称关云长。忠义无双、文韬武略兼而有之。刘备、诸葛亮等入蜀,关羽镇守荆州,刘备夺取汉中后,关羽乘势北伐曹魏,曾水淹七军、擒于禁、斩庞德、威震华夏,吓得曹操差点迁都...

15 game analytical know yourself as well as the enemy heavy strikes, the four leading heroes first exposure. Come follow Xiaobian a look at four of the kind of hero Mobile Games! Man Yunchang words of the longevity, after the word cloud is long, it is also known as kuan. Loyalty is matchless, military expertise have both at the same time. Liu Bei, Zhu Geliang, Shu, Guan Yu guarding Jingzhou, Liu Bei to Hanzhoung, Guan Wei had flooded the northern expedition to, seven army, Yu Jin, Pound, never cut Megatron China, scared almost to Cao cao...

标签: 手游