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"Nine mans power" Mobile Games most popular hero inventory

2015-05-06 14:56:31来源: 逗游网

全球对战功夫竞技手游《九阳神功》自从曝光了游戏中部分英雄之后,引起了很多MOBA爱好者的关注,因为游戏本身主打功夫路线,汇集了东西方各具特色的海量英雄,虽然首测版本的英雄数量会有限制,但从目前已经公布的英雄阵容来看,很多人物已经获得了超高的人气,成为玩家最期待的一批明星级英雄。 首测资...

Kung Fu Mobile Games "nine mans power" competitive since the exposed part of the hero in the game, fans of MOBA caused a lot of attention, because the game itself is the main route of massive collection of Kung Fu hero, something distinctive, although the number of the first test hero the version will be limited, but has been published from the current hero lineup, a lot of people have gained high popularity, has become the most anticipated game player a number of star hero. The first test...

标签: 手游