新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热门策略类手游《三国英雄》极品名将培养窍门


A popular strategy Mobile Games "Heroes" gourmet's training tips

2015-04-02 17:49:00来源: 不凡游戏网

在策略手游《三国英雄》中武将的培养和成长以及转生是最核心的玩法,因为英雄名将的战斗力关系着整体军队的战斗实力,玩家可以将那些叱咤风云的名将招募成为自己的帐下大将,在将他们精雕细琢慢慢培养起来,使之成为你最终一统三国成就丰功伟绩的得力助将。 两军对战,武将的技能属性高低也无疑决定着战斗胜...

generals in the strategy of "Heroes" Mobile Games in training and development as well as the reincarnation is the core of the game, because the hero's fighting force in relation to the whole army fighting strength, game player can put those all-powerful Star recruit to become their own account under the general, in their uncompromising attention to gradually build up, making you eventually dominate the three achievement valiant record right will. Both sides of the war, the generals skills level also determines the battle to win...

标签: 手游