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《战争机器》新作将于年内公布 依然Xbox独占

"War machine" will be released Xbox new exclusive

2015-02-10 04:53:59来源: 逗游网

最新的《战争机器(Gears of War)》开发似乎非常缓慢,本作由Black Tusk Games开发,并有微软出版,此前Epic Games已经把游戏IP卖给了公司。目前来说,我们鲜有听过关于本作的最新消息。 此前微软的Phil Spencer曾在推特上公布《战争机器》新作将在...

new "war machine in years (Gears of War)" development seems to be very slow, this by the Black Tusk Games development, and Microsoft publishing, after Epic Games has put the game sold IP to the company. For now, we seldom hear about the latest news of the. After Microsoft Phil Spencer has been on twitter announced "war machine" will be in a new...

标签: Xbox