新关注 > 信息聚合 > 猎头首次进驻京城招聘会“挖人”


Search for the first time in Beijing Fair "digging"

2015-04-19 21:56:34来源: 人民网

中新网北京4月19日电 (记者 杜燕)猎头与招聘会,从来就是“抢人”的竞争对手。不过,19日在北京举行的一场招聘会上,猎头首次获邀进驻现场大张旗鼓“挖人”。 第四届“才聚亦庄”中高级人才大型引荐会19日在北京经济开发区举办。截至14时,约4000名应聘者进场竞逐北京奔驰、泰德制药、中...

in new network Beijing on 19 April, (reporter Du Yan) executive search and recruitment, has always been "scramble" competition. However, 19 in Beijing held a recruitment, headhunting first entered the scene to put up a pageantry "digging". The fourth session of the "Yizhuang" senior personnel who will be 19 in the large Beijing Economic Development Zone held. As of 14, about 4000 candidates competing for the Mercedes Benz Beijing Taide pharmaceutical approach,...