新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神之浩劫:策略》增加中国元素 女娲长这模样?

《神之浩劫:策略》增加中国元素 女娲长这模样?

The havoc of the gods: the strategy to increase Chinese elements Nuwa long like this?

2017-02-08 18:30:08来源: 17173

近期,Hi-Rez团队发布了《神之浩劫:策略》的最新消息,游戏的最新资料片扩展包——中国万神殿加入游戏,其中的中国元素自然也是获得了玩家们的一众青睐。女娲作为新的神祇加入了游戏。 女娲是一位远程型...

Recently, the Hi - Rez team released the havoc of the gods: the strategy of the latest news, the latest expansion pack, the expansion of the Chinese game pantheon to join the game, the Chinese elements is also obtained the players of all ages. Nuwa as the new gods joined the game. Nuwa is a type of remote...