新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我叫MT2游戏异常问题汇总公告


My name is abnormal problems in MT2 game summary bulletin

2015-01-04 20:42:42来源: 4399

我叫MT2火热公测中,目前部分玩家在我叫MT2游戏的时候,可能出现异常问题!官网就统计了可能出现的问题!如下~ 1、十连抽没有送英雄的问题 出现的问题:部分玩家使用十连抽,但是没有获得必送的英雄。 解决的办法:该情况是由于你已经获得了这个英雄,在已经获得的情况下,将不能拥有两个同...

I'm MT2 hot in public beta, now part of game player when I call the game MT2, may appear abnormal problem! Official statistics of the possible problems! The following ten ~ 1, even without a send heroes appear problem: part game player use ten even smoke, but did not obtain will send a hero. Solution: this situation is due to your already won the hero, in already obtain, will not have the same two...

标签: 游戏