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索尼公布Ready for PlayStation 5电视阵容

Sony announces ready for Playstation 5 TV lineup

2020-07-30 12:35:51来源: 游戏时光

  索尼的下一代游戏主机 PS5 即将于今年年末假日季上市,为了帮助消费者更容易地为 PS5 选购理想的电视机,索尼(中国)有限公司与索尼互动娱乐公司携手,为电视创建了新标签“Ready for PlayStation 5”,并公布了现有 BRAVIA 电视阵容中的“Ready for PlayStation 5”机型。  首批“Ready for PlayStation 5”的索尼电视机型,包括拥有全阵列式背光的 4K HDR 电视 X9000H / X9088H / X9100H 和 8K HDR 电视 Z8H 。其中 X9000H / X9088H / X9100H 能够以 120 fps 的帧率,显示 4K 分辨率的游戏画面,同时输入延迟低至仅 7.2 毫秒。索尼 4K HDR 电视 X9088H、X9

Sony's next-generation game console ps5 will be launched in the holiday season at the end of this year. In order to help consumers choose the ideal TV set for ps5 more easily, Sony (China) Co., Ltd. and Sony Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd. have jointly created a new label "ready for Playstation 5" for TV, and announced "ready for Playstation" in the existing Bravia TV lineup 5 "model. The first Sony TV models of "ready for Playstation 5" include 4K HDR TV x9000h / x9088h / x9100h and 8K HDR TV z8h with full array backlight. Among them, x9000h / x9088h / x9100h can display 4K resolution game picture at 120 FPS frame rate, and input delay is as low as 7.2 Ms. Sony 4K HDR TV x9088h, x9

标签: 索尼