新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游端午节活动驱五毒攻略


Fantasy Westward Journey Travel Dragon Boat Festival flooding Wudu Raiders

2015-06-20 15:08:11来源: TechWeb

梦幻西游手游在端午节到来之际推出了端午节活动,包括赛龙舟、避五毒、包粽子及粽香礼四个系列活动,下面小编给大家带来的是端午节活动中避五毒玩法介绍,希望能给参加端午节活动中避五毒的朋友带来些许的帮助。 驱五毒活动 活动时间:2015年6月19日12:00-2015年6月22日24:00 ...

Fantasy Westward Journey, travel in the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching launched the activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, including dragon boat racing, avoid Wudu, package dumplings and dumplings incense ceremony four series of activities, the following Xiaobian to bring is Dragon Boat Festival activities in avoiding Wudu play, hopes to be able to participate in the activities of the Dragon Boat Festival to avoid the poisons of the friends to bring some help. Drive Wudu activity time: June 19, 2015 12:00-2015 June 22nd 24:00...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游